0113 242 4421 info@ucansecureit.com

Ucan has been established in Bradford since 2010 so we simply couldn’t pass on the exciting opportunity to join the BCAFC Business Club.

The Bradford City Business Club is an exclusive group of companies with a mission to grow their brand and gain exposure across the district. Joining the club gives Ucan secure IT vital opportunities to network and build relationships through regular ‘open exchange’ events in the city.

Our first business club event was attended by new business managers Gareth Williams and Elizabeth Devlin at Cedar Court Hotel in Bradford. The event was to highlight the importance of collaborative working in the community with the guest speaker former footballer Dominic Matteo. 

Feedback from attending the event 

‘Bradford is one of the most entrepreneurial and inspiring cities in the UK. We have industry-leading businesses in the heart of our city centre that we should be supporting. Networking and collab meetings are a great way to speak to like-minded businesses. I can’t wait for the next BCAFC Business Club – Gareth Williams.